Collection: Temple Copal

TEMPLE COPAL believes in conscious-capitalism and sustainable business practices for a cleaner planet and more elevated-conscious ways of living & thriving. Temple Copal is a wild-harvest” product that does not require agricultural exhaustion or deforestation of any kind. We love brother Palo Santo and sister Sage, but both require unnatural grow-to-cut agro-production processes to meet present demand. Copal is a naturally occurring tree resin that drips and is collected from the Burseraceae tree.
No trees are hurt during the sap collection process and no land is cleared to grow or farm copal. Additionally, TEMPLE COPAL is 100% Pure WHITE copal resin - ZERO filler / ZERO additives or impurities. WHITE copal is the most scarce & most valued of all copal resins as it has naturally aged the longest. To this day Aztec & Mayan ancestors believe copal to be a medicinal offering from the soul of the trees and a divine connection with the ceremony of nature.